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Company details
What is your brand name—the name you would like to appear in your logo?
What does your company do? What are the products and services you offer?
What sets your company apart from others?
Why should I choose your company over your competitors?
Who are your main competitors? Please list their websites where possible.
How big is your company and who is your target market?
Budget and timing
What budget have you allocated for this project? Be honest, and we will tell you what we can and can’t do.
How many initial concepts would you prefer to see?
What sort of deadline are you working towards for this logo project?
Under a month
1–3 months
Are there any special events or promotions on which the completion of this design depends?
Will you be needing additional branding services for this logo design, such as a favicon, social media profile or brand guidelines?
Would you like to see the logo concepts or final design applied to a mockup website, stationery, signage, packaging or social media advertising?
If you had to describe your company in one word, what would it be?
What is the positioning or mission statement of your company?
Does your company have a tagline or slogan that should be included with the logo?
Do you have a current logo?
(If yes to the above) What elements from your previous logo would you like to retain?
What is the reason for modifying or redesigning your logo?
How old is your current logo?
What do your customers identify first when they see your logo?
Why does your company use the colours, fonts, etc?
Design preferences
Do you have a colour palette or font in mind?
Do you have specific images, icons or characters that you wish or do not wish to be in your logo?
What attributes of your company would you like your logo to reflect?
What restrictions, if any, might there be on the logo?
What competitor logos do you like and why? Please provide a link if possible.
What competitor logos do you dislike and why? Please provide a link if possible.
Your details
Anything else you want to get off your chest, for example, the description of a design you have in mind?
Your name
Your telephone number
Your email address